DSCR Loan Calculator
Calculate your property's Debt Service Coverage Ratio instantly. Make informed investment decisions with our free DSCR calculator.
DSCR Loan Calculator
Understanding DSCR Calculations
The Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) is a key metric used by lenders to evaluate investment property loans. It measures a property's ability to cover its debt payments from its net operating income.
How DSCR is Calculated
DSCR = Net Operating Income (NOI) / Total Debt Service
- Net Operating Income (NOI): Rental income minus operating expenses
- Total Debt Service: Monthly mortgage payments (principal and interest)
DSCR Ratings Explained
- 1.5 or higher: Excellent - Strong cash flow position
- 1.25 to 1.49: Good - Healthy cash flow
- 1.0 to 1.24: Fair - Breaking even
- Below 1.0: Poor - Negative cash flow